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Saturday, July 21, 2007


Well, now that I've had some time to play around with it, I'm here to give a review of Overlord, the latest from Codemasters for the xbox 360 and PC.

Overlord is ...a strange game. Part Pikmin, Part hack and slash. For those of you familiar with the City of Villains MMO, I would call it "Mastermind:The game".

The story goes like such, You are an Evil Overlord recently awakened to take the place of your predecessor who unfortunatly was killed by a group of heroes. You have a Dark Tower (no relation to the Stephen King novels) and this is your home base for you, your mistress, your minions and your slaves (if you so choose). The game starts off with the basics of minion control and then out into the world for a couple of simple quests. It starts off very basic...until you get your second type of minion (there are 4 total). Then the game really opens up with its strategy and tactics. Minions can be tough, but they are still die fairly quickly depending on the enemy they fight and how wisely you use them.

The game is longer then I imagined it would be but it shouldn't take you more then 15-20 hours to spread your evil influence over the land. In fact, the game even has a bit of a "purity/corruption" mechanic to it as well, although I would call it more accurately "Devious,manipulating evil/Murderous,psychotic evil". Neither one is particularly nice, but going one way or the other does have a effect on how others treat you and some of the quests you get.

The game also has a very good sense of humor. It's Tolkien-esce fantasy "with bite" as we like to say around here. The voice acting varies between chuckle-worthy and downright annoying unfortunatly.

Overall, I would say if you want a game that will surprise you with how it makes you think and gives you an excuse to work on your evil cackle then Overlord is for you.

Check it out.

Till next time...

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