An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!

An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!
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Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Transformers 2 Outselling Star Trek, Still Fails in Comparison

According to Fandango:

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen doesn't open till next week (June 24th), but as of this morning, the film already represents 45% of ticket sales on Fandango, the nation's leading moviegoer destination."

PCB Founder and Editor Garon can't wait to see this, but personally, I have no interest in this movie.

Someone at LatinoReview put it best by saying:

"I hated the first Transformers movie. Hated it. I thought it was two hours of Michael Bay telling the audience that they were retarded. Everyone in it was a comedian... the plot made zero sense, and the acting sucked. Combined with more explosions than the bombing of Iraq with Michael Bay's patented swooping camera shots, the film was a chore to watch from beginning to end."

Have fun with the sequel, I'll be at home watching Good Times.

Edit from Garon: WHATEVER!

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