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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DVD Review: Cougar Town The Complete Second Season

The Cul-de-sac Crew is back in the 2nd season of ABCs Cougar Town and I couldn't be happier.  I absolutely love this show.  In fact, get ready for this because it's official, I'm calling Cougar Town the best comedy on TV right now and in fact one of the best shows period.

It's fascinating to see how the show has evolved from focusing on the dating life of Courteney Cox to an ensemble show about the lives of this group of friends who have become a family.  It's an entirely different show than when it started.  You can see the evolution throughout the first season and it really comes together during season two.    22 episodes of pure hilarity and some of the best comedic writing you'll find on TV make Cougar Town a serious stand out show.

It doesn't matter how brilliant the writing is, and it is brilliant, if you don't have the right cast to bring it to life.  Thankfully, Cougar Town has that cast.  A group of perfect actors who bring these characters to life flawlessly with each episode.  As the second season progresses, it's easy to see just how comfortable they have become in these parts.  It's a shame that Modern Family (a show I also love) is stealing all the thunder because in truth Cougar Town had a much stronger second season.  It's really a travesty that they didn't get any Emmy recognition this year.  There is NO better cast on TV, period.  

As funny and zany as the show gets it has this great emotional core running through it.  You can be laughing at one thing and then a moment later you're getting choked up seeing one of these characters you love going through a bad moment.  That kind of connection to the characters is rare in TV today I think, especially in comedy.

As for the DVD release, you get all 22 episodes of season 2, and a few special features including  deleted scenes, a featurette about the shows evolution, the Andy's Dreams web series, and a woefully short outtakes feature.

Here at PCB HQ we watched the entire season in about 3 sittings, which evens out to a disc at a time and in fact have started in again so its safe to say we really do love the show.

Don't let the title fool you or put you off.  This isn't a show about cougars.  Not anymore.  It's a show about family and life and friends that will have you laughing and quoting for hours.  When you watch it, I dare you to not want to play a round of Penny Can.

Cougar Town: The Complete Second Season is available now.  Season Three begins this fall.

Pop Culture Beast Rating

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