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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Has George Lucas gone too far?

We haven't received our review copies of the Star Wars blu-ray yet so we can't confirm or deny if this rampant internet rumor is true or not.

The video above shows apparent leaked audio synched with DVD footage of the film to give a good idea and just what George Lucas has allegedly done to Return of the Jedi.

Now, one of the biggest complaints about Revenge of the Sith was the absolutely horrible Nooooo that Vader squeals at the end. It was pretty much universally panned so why on earth would Lucas add MORE of that to Jedi? It's unfathomable.

I feel like he just wants to destroy the legacy of these films by tinkering with them until they are shadows of their former selves.

When we get our copy we'll be sure to confirm or deny this excruciating change.

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