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Monday, September 12, 2011

DVD/Blu-ray Review: Four MGM Cult Classics

It's an interesting bunch this go around.  Three blu-ray releases and a Limited Edition DVD on Demand release.

Three good movies and one horrible movie.

Should I just get the bad one out of the way?


I thought so.

Yeah, it's finally available for purchase if you are so inclined in a "Re-Released 1992 Edition" as opposed to I guess the actually good 2011 edition that is an entirely different movie.

The film is just as bad as you think it is.  Hokey, cheesy, poorly acted and supplemented with ZERO special features, assuming you might want any to begin with make this a no brainer to not buy.  Of course, if you are curious to see it or just want something to sit around and laugh at with your friends that this might just fit the bill perfectly.

Personally, I was just bored by the whole thing.  This film is a relic from a time before comic book movies were a Hollywood cash cow and it reflects just how poorly the properties were treated back then.   Rumor of a director's cut blu-ray are floating around lately.  I can't really see what possibly could make this any better.

The picture is barely better than a VHS and the lack of any supplements just  really makes this one you can pass on.  Especially with its $17.95 price tag.

Captain America (1992)

Let's just get away from this one and move on to the good stuff, shall we?

The Coen Brothers have a pretty interesting track record for me.  I know some people love everything they've ever done and probably will love everything else they ever do.  Personally, they're much more hit or miss.  If I sat down and really thought about it they might end up being more miss to be honest.  with Blood Simple, it's a bit middle of the road.  I don't dislike it but I don't exactly love it either.

I know this movie is 26 years old at this point but I'll still do my best to avoid spoilers.  The story has a man putting a hit on his cheating wife and her boyfriend.  There's a private detective and money and double crossing and scratch your head what the hell just happened moments that all add up to a tense but muddled film.

It's hard to tell just what exactly is going on half the time but despite that I still enjoyed the film.  I don't know that I loved it or would call it among my favorite Coen Bros. film (The Big Lebowski of course) but it was an interesting watch.

The film is shot wonderfully.   There are some great shots that really amp up the noirish feeling.  I especially got a kick out of the scene near the end when well, just wait for the guy to reach out the bathroom window.

The cast are all wonderful, especially Frances McDormand who was a lot more...delicate than I am used to seeing her.   Really interesting performance from her.

As for the disc itself, the blu-ray looks great.  Really nice color and sound.  I didn't notice any real issues with the picture and the transfer looked pretty good.  The special features on the other hand are less than stellar.  We get only a trailer and a commentary from Kenneth Loring of Forever Young Films.

Worth your money and worth your time, Blood Simple might not be simple at all but it makes for a good evening at home.

Blood Simple 

Next up is the Sam Peckinpah classic and recently remade Straw Dogs.  I had never seen this one before and in fact wasn't sure what it was.  I've heard people talk about it but never really got around to seeing it until now.  

It's funny, I posted on facebook asking if this is what happened after they got off the bus in The Graduate.  After seeing it, I hope not.

The story follows Dustin Hoffman Susan George as a newlywed couple who have moved into her fathers farm in a small Irish (I think?) village.  Once there they begin to get terrorized by her old friends.

Dustin Hoffman plays a pretty nerdy guy and you get the feeling that there is more to him, something kind of sinister under the surface that never really gets explored.    Eventually, he has to man up and defend his home, and a creepy guy he hits with his car, from the townspeople.

It's a strange journey with some fascinating moments and at the same time a couple extremely uncomfortable ones.  I'm not really sure how different the remake is from the original but I'm curious how they will handle some of the subject matter here.

The blu-ray is really well done.  The picture is crystal clear.  It's really a great transfer.  Were it not for the clothes and a young Dustin Hoffman it could have been shot a year ago instead of 40.

Unfortunately, this disc is also woefully short on special features.  We only get a trailer and TV spots.  You might have to look for the Criterion Edition if you are interested in special features.  This one is sadly without them.

Still, the film is really interesting to watch and see how this mild mannered man must ratchet up his capacity for violence to protect his home and his wife and a man who is for all intents and purposes a stranger, even if he may be in the wrong for doing so.  With some brilliant performances and really tense scenes, Straw Dogs is worthy of your attention.

Straw Dogs

Lastly, but certainly not least, is the thriller classic from Brian De Palma Dressed To Kill which inexplicably stars Michael Caine and Angie Dickinson.  This is a pretty crazy film in which women in contact with Caine find themselves at the business end of a razor stolen from his office.

If you don't already know the shock of this movie, I won't spoil it for you suffice it to say you probably won't see it coming.  This is clearly an homage to an earlier film that I can't name because in doing so it will reveal the secret of this movie.  Once you see Dressed To Kill you'll know exactly what I am talking about.  The follow the same exact formula almost to a fault.

I gotta give mention to Nancy Allen who definitely holds her own in this movie.  She plays a smart and tough as nails escort who gets caught up in this situation after witnessing a rather gruesome murder.  She ends up doing the police detectives (Dennis Franz) job and even used for bate to catch a sexually charged killer who's having a bit too much fun of the slice and dice variety.

It's a pretty decent thriller and if the ending is intact for you, you'll get an extra kick out of it.  The kill scenes are pretty cringe worthy and the acting top notch.  With a cast like this would you expect any less?

I'm not the biggest De Palma fan but I'll admit I enjoyed this one.  It has its camp moments and it has its good scares so it adds up to a fun watch for me.

Thankfully, MGM did not skimp on the extras for this one.   We get a making of documentary featuring interviews with the cast and director, a comparison of the three different versions of the film (Unrated, R-Rated and TV rated (?) versions of the film (the unrated film is featured on this release),a few other featurettes, photos, and a trailer.   I'm curious why they added features to this release but not to the more well prestigious ones we covered earlier.  Maybe a rights thing?

Aside from the features, MGM has given us a really great transfer free of any imperfections (at least that I noticed).  It's a really nice picture.  Maybe a little too nice at times which you'll see once you watch it.  I think you might be able to see things a little too clearly which might give one pause to think about what it is they are actually seeing.  If I say any more it'll ruin it!

Anyway, Dressed To Kill is a good watch for horror/thriller fans.  It has a great twist at the end and some good gore if that's what you're after.  It's also fun to see how the movie changes after the first few minutes.  It's sort of head spinning.

Dressed To Kill

Captain America, Dressed To Kill, Straw Dogs and Blood Simple are available now!

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