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Friday, September 9, 2011

Movie Review: Contagion

Written by: Scott C. Burns
Directed by:  Stephen Soderbergh
Starring:  Gwynneth Paltrow, Matt Damon,Marion Cotillard, Laurence Fishburne, John Hawkes, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Demetri Martin, Bryan Cranston, Enrico Colantoni, Jennifer Ehle, Chin Han and Elliot Gould

Stephen Soderbergh directs an all star cast in this taut paranoia thriller about a viral epidemic that is ravaging across the world.  No one is safe from the sickness that spreads like wildfire.  Talk to no one, don't touch your face, don't touch any one else, don't touch doors, cash registers, food, pretty much anything.

Contagion focuses on several days and several places around the world and it does so with a tight plot and near relentless suspense.  It never lets up and by the time its over you might find yourself with the rather intense desire to put on rubber gloves and never take them off again.

The cast is wonderful at every turn as each of them give restrained and nuanced performances.   The funny thing is that as great as the cast is, they are my one real issue with the film.  There are just too many stars.  It ends up being a guess who will show up next kind of thing.  I loved the cast but I just wish I didn't have those "oh look it's Bryan Cranston" moments.

The real star here is the unnerving paranoia that sets in and the realization that this could very well happen.  This movie could be reality, it could be happening right now as you're watching and that suspense and unnerving you feel is half the fun.  Soderbergh even goes so far as to drill the point home with shots that linger on objects you never even think about as the day goes on.  A door, a cash register, a bus, anything can lead to infection.  It's enough to send chills down your spine and you to your drug store for as much vitamin c as a person can stand.

The script is very strong and very smart.  It doesn't try to dumb down dialogue but at the same time doesn't overwhelm with technical jargon either.  It strikes a perfect balance.   Some might complain that there really is no tension relief at all through the film.  No laughs, no distraction, nothing except this relentless illness and the subsequent collapse of society as it rages on.  Personally, I liked this.  this film doesn't need a tension break because the tension is what really drives the film.  You need to feel it to grasp the severity of what you're witnessing.

I was able to catch the film on IMAX and believe it or not it was the first Hollywood IMAX release I've seen.  I admit to wondering why on earth this movie should be in IMAX.   I have to say I was blown away by the picture.  It was crystal clear and really stunning to see.  I can't imagine what other movies would look like if this one looked so good.  Really worth seeing in IMAX.  I don't think it will add or take away anything if you don't see it in that format but it certainly doesn't hurt.

One big standout is the score.  It's excellent.  It feels like it came right out of John Carpenter's keyboard.  Hats off to Cliff Martinez for such great music that only served to heighten the tension of the film.

I did want to make mention of the ending.  I won't give anything away except to say that we get a bit of a wrap up that we really don't need.  Most viewers will probably put 2 and 2 together from a previous scene but for some reason we get this quick little montage that sort of spells everything out.    It's not at all necessary.  Does it effect my feelings of the movie?  Obviously not.  It just seems a little like spoon feeding.

Overall, a great cast, slick direction, smart script and knuckle splitting tension make Contagion one of the best films of the year and a definite must see end of summer film.

Pop Culture Beast Rating

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