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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ladies and Gentleman: Let's Talk iPhone

Any minute now Tim Cook will take the stage up in the bay area at Apples HQ theater, 4 Infinite Loop. What will we see today? Well I suspect this post will be updated. The lights have dimmed and the show is on.

[Update  10:15]  Time Cook has taken the time to talking shop on stage. The Macbook Pro and the iMac have become the best selling notebook/desktop in America, oh and they threw a mention to that thing I think is called an iPod (that has a lot of market share). As I type Tim is talking iPhone market "More coming up on iPhones..." as he moves on to iPad.

[Update  10:30]  Scott Forstall has been invited to the stage. He is talking iOS and App Store. He is talking about iOS 5's announced new features. New Lockscreen, Notification Center, iMessage, Reminders, "deep" Twitter integration and Newstand. "Comes with more than 200 new user features".

[Update  10:36] iOS 5 will drop for iPhone 4/3GS, iPad/iPad2 and the most recent Touch's on October 12th! (No mention of iPhone 4S/5)

[Update  10:39] Eddy Cue has taken over from Scott with a recap on iCloud and iTunes in the Cloud. Most of this has been heard before at WWDC. People in the crowd are getting anxious waiting for a new announcements. iCloud will launch October 12th (I see something to this 10/12 date *hint*) and iTunes Match will be $24.99/year and launch at the end of October in the U.S.

[Update  10:46] Phil Schiller is on stage talking iPod hardware. New iPod Nano being announced. They are adding new clock faces for those that wear it as a watch (really?). It will come in seven colors and is now priced at $129 for 8GB and $149 for 16GB. Available today.

[Update  10:46] Next is a new iPod Touch. It will run iOS 5 with all it's wonderful features, now comes in white also. 8GB was priced at $229 now it's $199 with the 32GB coming in at $299 and 64GB at $399. Available October 12th. (That date again.)

[Update  10:54] Next up is iPhone, and here it is "[We are]Pleased to tell you about the brand new iPhone 4S". More to come just click through the break (Hit the Rawr just below) to hear what's next.

[Update  10:57] It looks just like the iPhone 4. It has the A5 chip inside, the same as the iPad 2, and "games really scream".  iPhone 4S now has 8 hours of "industry-leading" talk time on 3G. Also the wireless system in the phone has been updated, allowing intelligent switching between two antennas, which has "Never been done" according to Phil Schiller.

[Update  11:03] He also claims that it is just as fast as 4G devices at 14.4 Mbps down on 4S. The device will be a "world phone" with both GSM and CDMA. Next the camera has been updated with a 8MP camera capable of 3264x2448 photos and to boot it captures 33# faster (0.5 seconds between shots!). They also threw in 1080P HD video recorder on the new camera.

[Update  11:03] Next is "...a freature all about our voice." Scott Forstall is back on stage to talk about Siri your new "intelligent assistant that helps you get things done just by asking". A live demo is taking place that measures in around a 14 on the creepy HAL scale. Scott: Do I need a raincoat today? Siri: It sure looks like rain today (and launches the weather app). Scott: Wake me up tomorrow at 6am. Siri: Okay, I set it for 6am. The demo is actually some seriously serious stuff at the Apple event, it's blowing the audiences mind.

[Update  11:36] After some video presentations recapping the new device we are on to pricing and availability! The iPhone 4S will come in black and white, priced at $199 for 16GB, $299 for 32GB and  $399 for 64GB (that's with 2-year contract). The iPhone 4 will still be available 8GB for $99, black and white. Also the iPhone 3GS 8GB(yes it still exists) will be be free on contract.

[Update  11:38] Preorders for iPhone 4S on October 7th and and the device will be available on October 14th in the Us, Canada, Australia, UK, Frace, Germany and Japan. 

[Update  11:39] In the US it will be available on AT&T and Verizon as well as Sprint now!

[Update  11:41] It looks like that's it! The lights are up in Apples HQ Town Hall and Tim Cook thanked everyone that was there for coming. So there you go everyone, you heard it hear first (read: at the same time as 84963 other sites) NO iPhone 5 yet.

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