An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!

An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!
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Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shameless Plug: Demonic: The Short Fiction of Garon Cockrell is NOW AVAILABLE!

Loyal readers know that in addition to writing about movies and such here, I am also write screenplays and short stories. 

I am extremely excited to report that my first short story collection is NOW AVAILABLE on your Kindle and Nook! 

It's a shocking 99 cents so please if you like horror stories, drop a buck and give it a read.

Buy it from my publisher HERE or from Amazon.  It should be up on Barnes and Noble soon and fingers crossed you'll be able to get it on your iPad/iPhone soon also.

Not convinced?  Check out what a couple authors had to say about it:

"DEMONIC is a veritable cornucopia of ghoulish delights! A real treat."
Brandon Ford, author of CRYSTAL BAY and PAY PHONE

"Raw-boned horror with veins of humor, splashes of surreal visions, and pathos... Bloodily gruesome entertainment. DEMONIC's the one for fans of extreme story-telling who like a wicked twist in the tail."
Simon Clark, author of VAMPYRRHIC, BLOOD CRAZY and many more.

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