An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!

An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!
Pardon our dust!

Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project

Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project
Please consider doing the same.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tech: Kindle Fire shipping early! (Tomorrow for everyone else)

Well look at this... a steady stream of people from all corners of the internet have reported in that Amazon has shipped the new Kindle Fire early, by a whole 24 hours, receiving them today. Officially the new (likely-to-be) hot holiday tablet/e-reader was not supposed to launch until tomorrow (Nov.15th).

But for those lucky few (read: half the planet) that sent Amazon into a near tailspin trying to ramp up production to meet pre-order demand, you all get a nice treat. According to Amazon VP David Limp they are, "thrilled to be able to ship Kindle Fire to our customers earlier than we expected."

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