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Friday, October 4, 2013

BLOG ZINE! Bang! Bing! And a Zing Zang Zow!

By Kari Tervo

Hey Pop Culture Beast zinesters! It's Friday! Let's get our zine on!

This is my first weekly zine review post. If you want to know what this is all about, take a look at the FAQ!

Today we're going to talk about three zines: Trinket #6, Gag Me With A. . .#9, and Breakfast at Twilight #5! We got some poetry! We got some essays! We got some tidbits and anecdotes! We got some bang and some bing and some zing zang zow!

Here's my rating system:

Here’s my Rating System:
Recommended: !
It’s Aiight: .
Maybe If You’re Into That Sort of Thing: ? - See more at:
Recommended: !
It’s Aiight: .
Maybe If You’re Into That Sort of Thing: ? - See more at:
Recommended: !

It's Aiight: .

Maybe If You're Into That Sort of Thing:  ?


Trinket #6
Rating: !!
Price: $2
Chris Francz
Room 15 Press
P.O. Box 190
Shawnee-on-Delaware, PA 18356 

Trinket #6 is a pocket-size diary of sorts by Chris Francz. Chris lays it all out in this collection of thoughts and anecdotes, reflecting on all manner of issues: his weight, his co-workers, overly-polite people at crosswalks, a lingering fart. A stark, cynical honesty mixed with insight and humor marks this nifty little collection. It's perfect for picking up and reading a few entries here and there, or for devouring in one sitting. Some of Chris' remarks are universal:  "I love the feeling of refreshment after a really hearty bowel movement." Some are more idiosyncratic: "I would love to start a posse called the Plain Sight Ninja Crew." Chris' tone is deadpan, often lending to snorts of laughter. But a sadness is shot through the whole thing: There's the memory ghost of his beloved cat Joshua, and an impenetrable loneliness. In this little pocket zine lives a whole person. Pay him a visit!

Gag Me With A. . . #9
Rating: !!
Price: Not listed
Deirdree Prudence and Steven Hughes Purkey

Gag Me With A. . .#9 is a sparkling collection of poetry, reminiscences, interviews, drawings, what have you, and whatnot. In full disclosure, I have a poem in this issue. The reason I submitted a poem is because Deirdree Prudence and Steven make the best zines, I am telling you! If zines had a prom king and queen, it would be Deirdree Prudence and Steven. Gag Me With A. . .#9 continues the tradition of their zine company, MC Sunflower Jones Productions, in creating good-looking compilations of quality short-form zine writing. Their zines all benefit from the artistic touches of Deirdree Prudence, whose artistic style could best be described as "Lisa Frank on crystal meth." Definitely a compliment! This is another zine great for dipping into every now and then when you need a little lit fix. The contributions are brief and breezy, and you'll find yourself enjoying, wondering, and learning. A true zinester's zine.

Remember in my Blog Zine intro post when I encouraged you to read other people's zine reviews? Deirdree Prudence also reviews zines! So go read her reviewshere!

Breakfast at Twilight #5
Rating: !!
Price: Not listed. I think I paid $3?
blacklightdiner at gmail dot com (she has it written like that, so respecting that)

Erica is an insightful woman and a great writer. In Breakfast at Twilight #5, she shares her thoughts on bicycling and sexuality, both topics common to zinedom. Erica expresses her frustration with society's need to force people to label their sexuality. She also takes aim at the news media for their incessant focus on astronaut Sally Ride's sexuality in the wake of her death (she asks, what about her science?). Most compelling is Erica's essay on consuming media, in which she decries fan culture as a suppressor of creativity. This is one of those zines where you feel like you're having a conversation with the author. Erica knows she has an audience, and she knows she has something to say. She's worth listening to.

HEY! HEY! HEY! These were my first zine reviews! I hope you all liked getting off to a positive start with all these great recommendations. I encourage you to contact these zine-makers to pick up some copies of their awesome work! Zine on! With a zing zang zow!

Hip hop hooray! Send 'em to me at:

Kari Tervo
Blog Zine
PO Box 7831
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 


Recommended: !
It’s Aiight: .
Maybe If You’re Into That Sort of Thing: ? - See more at:

Here’s my Rating System:
Recommended: !
It’s Aiight: .
Maybe If You’re Into That Sort of Thing: ? - See more at: