An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!

An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!
Pardon our dust!

Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project

Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project
Please consider doing the same.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Sochi Olympics Start Today- Everything You Need to Know

We're hearing a lot of super interesting things coming out of Sochi right now. Like the fact that only six of the nine media hotels are ready (and we use the term "ready" loosely with drinking water that looks like this) and toilets that encourage the buddy system. Couple that with reports of government bribes and human rights violations and we might be in for a long February. If you're still trying to figure out everything that's going on with the Games, you're in luck- this handy little video from the folks at Everything You Need to Know in One Minute will fill you in on all the details.