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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blu-ray Review: Friday the 13th Part 2 and Part 3 3-D

Friday the 13th Part 2

On Blu-ray now are the next set of Friday the 13th films. This time we get Part 2 and Part 3, which is presented in 3-D. There was talk that it wouldn't be.

It really doesn't matter because it's unwatchable anyway.

We reviewed the DVD releases of these movies back in February. You can read that here. The Blu-ray for Part 2 is identical to the DVD and has the same issues. I was watching both on a PS3 so it upconverts anyway so I didn't notice any difference between the two releases.

It's still a pretty good watch despite the clarity of the presentation somewhat ruining the effects.

It's worth picking this up if you want to get the series in its entirety on Blu-ray. Otherwise, you're fine with the DVD.

Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D

Part 3 comes with more features that its previous DVD release. This time, we get some extra featurettes which are only mildly entertaining. Features included are: Fresh Cuts: 3D Terror, Legacy of the Mask, Slasher Films: Going For The Jugular, and the third entry of Lost Tales From Camp Blood. All of which are presented in HD. The theatrical trailer is included as well.

The movie is pretty bad though. It marks the first time Jason gets his mask so it's important to the lore of the franchise but overall it's lousy.

The picture is filthy too. HD does nothing to clean the print.

I really don't understand why Paramount is releasing these in batches on DVD and then months later releasing them on Blu-ray. Why not do it all as one set? At the very least do day and date with Blu-ray/DVD.

Along with the Blu-rays of Parts 2 and 3, Paramount has released Deluxe editions of parts 4, 5, and 6 (reviews coming this week). With these Blu-rays sure to follow when Parts 7 and 8 are released this fall.

It doesn't really make much sense to me to be honest.

Friday the 13th Part 2 and Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D are available on Blu-ray now.

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