An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!

An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!
Pardon our dust!

Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project

Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project
Please consider doing the same.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Apple Media Event on Oct. 4th?

As much as reporting on any Apple related rumors is about as evidence based as patent infringement, sometimes it's worth repeating. Today, All Things Digital, who has for years been spot on with Apple rumors, is reporting that Apple is planning a little get together. For what you say? Well, none other than the imminent release of the iPhone 5. The fruity details include a planned unveiling on October 4th for the new model, with a release window a couple weeks after the announcement.

Even baring the highly anticipated status of the delayed handset this event holds much importance to the folks in Cupertino. This will be the the first post-Steve Jobs product launch for the company with the event helmed by newly minted CEO Tim Cook taking center stage. Having never captained an Apple product introduction before, all eyes (and investor's wallets) will be on Cook and his new role in the launch. We will all have to wait to see how this and the new iPhone turn out, but one thing is sure, October couldn't come any sooner.

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