by Garon Cockrell
There isn’t much that can be said about a movie called The Incredible Melting Man. Except maybe that the title is describing the effects of this movie.
The Incredible Melting Man
The Film:
There isn’t really much else to say. It’s a melting murdering man with people
chasing him. Despite the great melting
effects, it’s not enough to save this from being my least favorite Scream
Factory release.
The Disc:
Again, disc looks fantastic and the effects are just
amazing. This movie came out in 1977 and
I don’t think a better job could be done today.
It’s all practical effects and they’re pretty amazing. No CGI melting flesh here.
I wish the movie was just a little better to warrant such a
great transfer. Alas, you’ll find
yourself admiring the effects and not much else.
The Features:
- Commentary with writer/director William Sachs
- Interviews with writer/director William Sachs and Academy Award winning makeup effects artists Rick Baker and Greg Cannom
- Photo Gallery
- 1080P High Definition Widescreen (1.78:1)
- DTS-HD Master Audio Mono
- Original Release: 1977
- Runtime: 84 minutes
- Rated:R
Final Grades:
Story: C / It’s not a great film and really just an excuse
for a gooey mess of a man to wander around killing people.
Presentation: A / It looks amazing and the effects really
are something special.
Scare Factor: C / You’ll be grossed out but that’s about it.Gore Factor: A / The melting man is one of the grossest gore effects I’ve ever seen and his ultimate demise is quite well done.
Repeat view-ability: C / Watch for the effects. They’re great but I doubt they’ll be enough to bring you back to watch again.