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Sunday, October 20, 2013

31 Days of Scream-O-Ween! - The Incredible Melting Man

by Garon Cockrell

There isn’t much that can be said about a movie called The Incredible Melting Man.  Except maybe that the title is describing the effects of this movie.

The Incredible Melting Man

The Film:
The Incredible Melting Man tells the story of an astronaut returning from a trip to Saturn who after arriving home begins to, well, he melts.   Also it’s gross.  He also starts killing people which really doesn’t make all that much sense.  It seems as if he is just on a random killing spree even as he leaves chunks of flesh and goo wherever he goes.

There isn’t really much else to say.  It’s a melting murdering man with people chasing him.   Despite the great melting effects, it’s not enough to save this from being my least favorite Scream Factory release.

The Disc:
Again, disc looks fantastic and the effects are just amazing.  This movie came out in 1977 and I don’t think a better job could be done today.  It’s all practical effects and they’re pretty amazing.    No CGI melting flesh here.

I wish the movie was just a little better to warrant such a great transfer.  Alas, you’ll find yourself admiring the effects and not much else.

The Features:
  • Commentary with writer/director William Sachs
  • Interviews with writer/director William Sachs and Academy Award winning makeup effects artists Rick Baker and Greg Cannom
  • Photo Gallery

The Specs:
  • 1080P High Definition Widescreen (1.78:1)
  • DTS-HD Master Audio Mono
  • Original Release: 1977
  • Runtime: 84 minutes
  • Rated:R

Final Grades:
Story: C / It’s not a great film and really just an excuse for a gooey mess of a man to wander around killing people.  

Presentation: A / It looks amazing and the effects really are something special.
Scare Factor: C / You’ll be grossed out but that’s about it.

Gore Factor:  A / The melting man is one of the grossest gore effects I’ve ever seen and his ultimate demise is quite well done.

Repeat view-ability:  C / Watch for the effects.  They’re great but I doubt they’ll be enough to bring you back to watch again.

Add The Incredible Melting Man to your collection, click HERE!

Check out yesterday's Scream Factory review, X-Ray!